Comprehensive Self-Stabilization Bibliography

Last revised: 27 December 2002


MS Abadir and MG Gouda. The stabilizing computer. In Proceedings of the 1992 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, pages 90-96, 1992.

J Abello and S Dolev. On the computational power of self-stabilizing systems. Journal of Computing and Information, 1:585-603, 1994.

J Abello and S Dolev. On the computational power of self-stabilizing systems. Theoretical Computer Science, 182:159-170, 1997.

U Abraham, S Dolev, T Herman, and I Koll. Self-stabilizing L-exclusion. Theoretical Computer Science, 266(1-2):653-692, 2001.

U Abraham, S Dolev, T Herman, and I Koll. Self-stabilizing L-exclusion. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems, pages 48-63, 1997.

H Abu-Amara, B Coan, S Dolev, A Kanevsky, and JL Welch. Self-stabilizing topology maintenance protocols for high-speed networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 4(6):902-912, 1996.

H Abu-Amara, B Coan, S Dolev, A Kanevsky, and JL Welch. A fault-tolerant layered approach to fiber-optic networks. In High-Speed Networking and Multimedia Computing, pages 380-390, 1994. AA Rodriguez, MS Chen, J Maitan, Editors, Proc. SPIE 2188.

Y Afek, B Awerbuch, E Gafni, Y Mansour, A Rosen, and N Shavit. Slide - the key to polynomial end-to-end communication. Journal of Algorithms, 22(1):158-186, 1997.

Y Afek and GM Brown. Self-stabilization over unreliable communication media. Distributed Computing, 7(1):27-34, 1993.

Y Afek and A Bremler. Self-stabilizing unidirectional network algorithms by power supply. Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science, 4(3):1-48, 1998.
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Y Afek and S Dolev. Local stabilizer. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 62(5):745-765, 2002.

Y Afek, DS Greenberg, M Merritt , and G Taubenfeld. Computing with faulty shared objects. Journal of the Association of the Computing Machinery, 42:1231-1274, 1995.

Y Afek, S Kutten, and M Yung. The local detection paradigm and its applications to self-stabilization. Theoretical Computer Science, 186, NUMBER="1-2:199-229, 1997.

Y Afek and A Bremler. Self-stabilizing unidirectional network algorithms by power-supply. In Proceedings of the Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA97), pages 111-120, 1997.

Y Afek and S Dolev. Local Stabilizer. In Proceedings of the 5th Israeli Symposium on Theory of Computing and Systems, pages 74-84, 1997.

Y Afek and S Dolev. Local Stabilizer. In PODC97 Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, pages 287, 1997.

Y Afek, S Kutten, and M Yung. Memory-efficient self-stabilization on general networks. In WDAG90 Distributed Algorithms 4th International Workshop Proceedings, Springer LNCS:486, pages 15-28, 1990.

A Agarwal and JW Atwood. A unified approach to fault-tolerance in communication protocols based on recovery procedures. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 4(5):785-795, 1996.

S Aggarwal and S Kutten. Time optimal self-stabilizing spanning tree algorithm. In FSTTCS93 Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, Springer LNCS:761, pages 400-410, 1993.

MK Aguilera, C Delporte-Gallet, H Fauconnier, and S Toueg. Stable leader election. In DISC01 Distributed Computing 15th International Symposium, Springer LNCS:2180, pages 108-122, 2001.

W Aiello, B Awerbuch, B Maggs, and S Rao. Approximate load balancing on dynamic and asynchronous networks. In Proceedings of the 25th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, pages 632-641, 1993.

G Alari, B Bourgon, J Chacko, and A Kumar. Adaptive distributed sorting. In Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE 15th Annual International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, pages 1-7, 1996.

G Alari, J Beauquier, J Chacko, AK Datta, and S Tixeuil. Self-stabilizing distributed sorting. In IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference, pages 37-43, 1998.

G Alari, J Beauquier, AK Datta , C Johnen, and V Thiagarajan. Fault-tolerant token passing algorithm on tree networks. In IEEE International Performance Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC'98), pages 44-50, 1998.

G Alari and A Ciuffoletti. Group membership in a synchronous distributed system. In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, pages 490-493, 1993.

G Alari and AK Datta. Almost two-state self-stabilizing algorithm for token rings. In Eighth IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, pages 52-59, 1996.

G Alari, AK Datta, J Derby, and J Lawrence. Fault-tolerant hierarchical routing. In IEEE 16th Annual International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, pages 159-165, 1997.

LO Alima. Self-stabilizing max-heap. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems (published in association with ICDCS99 The 19th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems), pages 94-101, 1999.

LO Alima, J Beauquier, AK Datta, and S Tixeuil", . Self-stabilization with global rooted synchronizers. In ICDCS98 Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, pages 102-109, 1998.

D Alstein, JH Hoepman, BE Olivier , and PIA van der Put. Self-stabilizing mutual exclusion on directed graphs. Technical Report CS-R9513, CWI, 1994. Published in Computer Science in the Netherlands (CSN 94), pages 45--53.

T Amisaki, Y Tsujino, and N Tokura. Formal derivation of a probabilistically self-stabilizing program: leader election on a uniform tree. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems, pages 13.1-13.14, 1995.

P Ammann, S Jajodia, and P Liu. A fault tolerance approach to survivability. In Proceedings of Computer Security, Dependability and Assurance: From Needs to Solutions, pages 204-212, 1999.

E Anagnostou and R El-Yaniv. More on the power of random walks: uniform self-stabilizing randomized algorithms (Preliminary Report). In WDAG91 Distributed Algorithms 5th International Workshop Proceedings, Springer LNCS:579, pages 31-51, 1991.

E Anagnostou, R El-Yaniv, and V Hadzilacos. Memory adaptive self-stabilizing protocols. In WDAG92 Distributed Algorithms 6th International Workshop Proceedings, Springer LNCS:647, pages 203-220, 1992.

E Anagnostou and V Hadzilacos. Tolerating transient and permanent Failures. In WDAG93 Distributed Algorithms 7th International Workshop Proceedings, Springer LNCS:725, pages 174-188, 1993.

G Antonoiu and PK Srimani. Self-stabilizing depth-first multi-token circulation in tree networks. Parallel Algorithms and Applications, 16(1):17-35, 2001.

G Antonoiu and PK Srimani. A self-stabilizing distributed algorithm to construct an arbitrary spanning tree of a connected graph. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 30:1-7, 1995.

G Antonoiu and PK Srimani. A self-stabilizing leader election algorithm for tree graphs. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 34:227-232, 1996.

G Antonoiu and PK Srimani. A self-stabilizing distributed algorithm to find the center of a tree graph. Parallel Algorithms and Applications, 10:237-248, 1997.

G Antonoiu and PK Srimani. A self-stabilizing distributed algorithm for minimal spanning tree problem in a symmetric graph. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 35(10):15-23, 1998.

S Antonoiu and PK Srimani. Self-stabilizing protocol for mutual exclusion among neighboring nodes in a tree structured distributed system. Parallel Algorithms and Applications, 14(1):1-18, 1999.

G Antonoiu and PK Srimani. Distributed self-stabilizing algorithm for minimum spanning tree construction. In Euro-Par'97 Parallel Processing, Proceedings LNCS:1300, pages 480-487, 1997.

G Antonoiu and PK Srimani. Mutual exclusion between neighboring nodes in a tree that stabilizes using read/write atomicity. In Proceedings of EURO-PAR'98 Parallel Processing", PAGES ="545-553, 1998.

G Antonoiu and PK Srimani. Mutual exclusion between neighboring nodes in an arbitrary system graph tree that stabilizes using read/write atomicity. In Euro-Par'99 Parallel Processing, Proceedings LNCS:1685, pages 823-830, 1999.

A Arora, P Attie, M Evangelist , and M Gouda. Convergence of iteration Systems. Distributed Computing, 7:43-53, 1993.

A Arora, S Dolev, and MG Gouda. Maintaining digital clocks in step. Parallel Processing Letters, 1:11-18, 1991.

A Arora and MG Gouda. Closure and convergence: a foundation of fault-tolerant computing. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 19:1015-1027, 1993.

A Arora and MG Gouda. Distributed reset. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 43(9):1026-1038, 1994.

A Arora and A Singhai. Fault-tolerant reconfiguration of trees and rings in networks. High Integrity Systems, 1:375-384, 1995.

A Arora. Efficient reconfiguration of trees: a case study in the methodical design of nonmasking fault-tolerance. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Formal Techniques in Real Time and Fault-Tolerance, pages 110-127, 1994.

A Arora and MG Gouda. Load balancing: an exercise in constrained convergence. In WDAG95 Distributed Algorithms 9th International Workshop Proceedings, Springer LNCS:972, pages 183-197, 1995.

A Arora and MG Gouda. Delay-insensitive stabilization. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems, pages 95-109, 1997.

A Arora, MG Gouda, and T Herman. Composite routing protocols. In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, pages 70-78, 1990.

A Arora, MG Gouda, and G Varghese. Constraint satisfaction as a basis for designing nonmasking fault-tolerance. In ICDCS94 Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, pages 424-431, 1994.

A Arora and SS Kulkarni. Designing masking fault-tolerance via nonmasking fault-tolerance. In SRDS95 Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, pages 174-185, 1995.

A Arora, S Kulkarni, and M Demirbas. Resettable vector clocks. In PODC00 Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, pages 269-278, 2000.

A Arora and M Nesterenko. Unifying stabilization and termination in message-passing systems. In ICDCS01 The 21st IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, pages 99-106, 2001.

A Arora and DM Poduska. A timing-based schema for stabilizing information exchange. In Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Network Protocols, pages 327-331, 1995.

H Attiya, S Dolev, and JL Welch. Connection management without retaining information. Information and Computation, 123:155-171, 1995.

B Awerbuch, I Cidon, S Kutten, Y Mansour, and D Peleg. Optimal broadcast with partial knowledge. SIAM Journal on Computing, 28(2):512-525, 1998.

B Awerbuch, B Patt-Shamir, and G Varghese. Self-stabilizing end-to-end communication. Journal of High Speed Networks, 5(4):365-381, 1996.

B Awerbuch, S Kutten, Y Mansour , B Patt-Shamir, and G Varghese. Time optimal self-stabilizing synchronization. In STOC93 Proceedings of the 25th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, pages 652-661, 1993.

B Awerbuch and R Ostrovsky. Memory-efficient and self-stabilizing network reset. In PODC94 Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, pages 254-263, 1994.

B Awerbuch, B Patt-Shamir, and G Varghese. Bounding the unbounded (distributed computing protocols). In Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 94 The Conference on Computer Communications, pages 776-783, 1994.

B Awerbuch, B Patt-Shamir, and G Varghese. Self-stabilization by local checking and correction. In FOCS91 Proceedings of the 31st Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, pages 268-277, 1991.

B Awerbuch, B Patt-Shamir, G Varghese , and S Dolev. Self-stabilizing by local checking and global reset. In WDAG94 Distributed Algorithms 8th International Workshop Proceedings, Springer LNCS:857, pages 326-339, 1994.

B Awerbuch and G Varghese. Distributed program checking: a paradigm for building self-stabilizing distributed protocols. In FOCS91 Proceedings of the 31st Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, pages 258-267, 1991.

G Barnes and U Feige. Short random walks on graphs. In STOC93 Proceedings of the 25th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, pages 728-737, 1993.

P Baroni and M Giacomin. A distributed self-stabilizing algorithm for argumentation. In Proceedings of the 15th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, pages 8, 2001.

F Bastani, I Yen, and I Chen. A class of inherently fault tolerant distributed programs. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 14:1432-1442, 1988.

FB Bastani and IL Yen. Inherent fault tolerance in decentralized process-control systems. In International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, Kawasaki Japan, pages 267-274, 1993.

F Bastani, I Yen, and Y Zhao. On self-stabilization, non-determinism and inherent fault tolerance. In Proceedings of the MCC Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems, MCC Technical Report No. STP-379-89, 1989.

J Beauquier, B Berard, L Fribourg, and F Magniette. Proving convergence of self-stabilizing systems using first-order rewriting and regular languages. Distributed Computing, 14(2):83-95, 2001.

J Beauquier, M Gradinariu, C Johnen, J Olivier, and J Durand-Lose. Token-based self-stabilization uniform algorithms. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 62(5):899-921, 2002.

J Beauquier and S Kekkonen-Moneta. Fault-tolerance and self-stabilization: impossibility results and solutions using self-stabilizing failure detectors. International Journal of Systems Science, 28(11):1177-1187, 1997.

J Beauquier. Proving self-stabilizing randomized protocols. In International Conference On Principles Of DIstributed Systems, OPODIS'97, pages 279-284, 1997.

J Beauquier, B Berard, and L Fribourg. A new rewrite method for proving convergence of self-stabilizing systems. In DISC99 Distributed Computing 13th International Symposium, Springer LNCS:1693, pages 240-253, 1999.

J Beauquier, S Cordier, and S Delaet. Optimum probabilistic self-stabilization on uniform rings. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems, pages 15.1-15.15, 1995.

J Beauquier and S Delaet. Classes of self-stabilizing protocols. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems, pages 361-366, 1993.

J Beauquier and S Delaet. Probabilistic self-stabilizing mutual exclusion in uniform rings. In PODC94 Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, pages 378, 1994.

J Beauquier and O Debas. An optimal self-stabilizing algorithm for mutual exclusion on bidirectional non uniform rings. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems, pages 17.1-17.13, 1995.

J Beauquier, S Delaet, S Dolev, and S Tixeuil. Transient fault detectors. In DISC98 Distributed Computing 12th International Symposium, Springer LNCS:1499, pages 62-74, 1998.

J Beauquier, AK Datta, M Gradinariu, and F Magniette. Self-stabilizing local mutual exclusion and daemon refinement. In DISC00 Distributed Computing 14th International Symposium, Springer LNCS:1914, pages 223-237, 2000.

J Beauquier, O Debas, and S Kekkonen. Fault-tolerant and self-stabilizing ring orientation. In Structure, Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO96), pages 59-72, 1996.

J Beauquier, O Debas, S Kekkonen, and B Rozoy. Self-stabilizing torus orientation. In Ninth Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, pages 462-467, 1996.

J Beauquier, AK Datta, and S Tixeuil. Self-stabilizing census with cut-through constraints. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems (published in association with ICDCS99 The 19th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems), pages 70-77, 1999.

J Beauquier, M Gradinariu, and C Johnen. Cross-over composition - enforcement of fairness under unfair adversary. In WSS01 Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems, Springer LNCS:2194, pages 19-34, 2001.

J Beauquier, M Gradinariu, and C Johnen. Memory space requirements for self-stabilizing leader election protocols. In PODC99 Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, pages 199-207, 1999.

J Beauquier, C Genolini, and S Kutten. k-stabilization of reactive tasks. In PODC98 Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, pages 318, 1998.

J Beauquier, C Genolini, and S Kutten. Optimal reactive k-stabilization: the case of mutual exclusion. In PODC99 Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, pages 209-218, 1999.

J Beauquier and T Herault. Fault-local stabilization : the shortest path tree. In SRDS 2002 21st Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 60-69, 2002.

J Beauquier, T Herault, and E Schiller. Easy stabilization with an agent. In WSS01 Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems, Springer LNCS:2194, pages 35-50, 2001.

J Beauquier and S Kekkonen. Making FTSS is hard. In International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'96), pages 91-96, 1996.

J Beauquier and S Kekkonen-Moneta. On FTSS-solvable distributed problems. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems, pages 64-79, 1997.

J Beauquier and O Debas. A self-stabilizing algorithm for mutual exclusion on bidirectional non uniform rings. In European Research Seminar on Advanced Distributed Systems (ERSADS'95), pages 299-304, 1995.

F Belkouch, M Bui, LM Chen, and AK Datta. Self-stabilizing deterministic network decomposition. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 62(4):696-714, 2002.

M Ben-Ezra, M Werman, and Y Bar-Yam. A self stabilizing robust region finder applied to color and optimal flow pictures. Image and Vision Computing, 19(7):427-433, 2001.

P Bielkowicz and G Parr. A loop-detect packet based self stabilizing bridge protocol for extended-LANs. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 19(5):72-81, 1989.

KP Birman and BG Glade. Reliability through consistency. IEEE Software, pages 29-41, May, 1995.

JRS Blair, SM Hedetniemi, ST Hedetniemi, and DP Jacobs. Self-stabilizing maximum matchings. Congressus Numerantium, 153:1521-1529, 2001.

P Boldi and S Vigna. Universal dynamic synchronous self-stabilization. Distributed Computing, 15(3):137-153, 2002.

P Boldi and S Vigna. Holographic trees. In LATIN02 Proceedings of the 5th Latin American Symposium on Theoretical INformatics, Springer LNCS:2286, pages 465-478, 2002.

P Boldi and S Vigna. Self-stabilizing universal algorithms. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems, pages 141-156, 1997.

P Boldi and S Vigna. Computing anonymously with arbitrary knowledge. In PODC99 Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, pages 181-188, 1999.

B Bourgon, SK Das, AK Datta, and V Natarajan. A self-stabilizing shortest path algorithm in a DAG. In Proceedings of the IEEE 14th Annual International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communication, pages 341-345, 1995.

B Bourgon, AK Datta, and V Natarajan. A self-stabilizing ranking algorithm for tree structured networks. In Proceedings of the IEEE 14th Annual International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communication, pages 23-31, 1995.

B Bourgon and AK Datta. A self-stabilizing heap maintenance protocol. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems, pages 5.1-5.13, 1995.

JR Bowman. A transmission line leading to self-stabilizing systems. In Principles of Self-Organization, pages 417-424, 1962.

Y Brave and M Heymann. On optimal attraction in discrete-event processes. Information Sciences, 67:245-276, 1993.

JC Browne, AE Emerson, MG Gouda , D Miranker, A Mok, and LE Rosier. Bounded-time fault-tolerant rule-based systems. Telematics and Informatics, 7:441-454, 1990.

GM Brown, MG Gouda, and CL Wu. Token systems that self-stabilize. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 38(6):845-852, 1989.

GM Brown and Y Afek. Self-stabilization of the alternating-bit protocol. In Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, pages 1-4, 1989.

GM Brown and Y Afek. Self-stabilization of the alternating-bit protocol. In Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, pages 80-83, 1989.

SC Bruell, S Ghosh, MH Karaata, and SV Pemmaraju. Self-stabilizing algorithms for finding centers and medians of trees. SIAM Journal on Computing, 29(2):600-614, 1999.

A Bui, AK Datta, F Petit, and V Villain. State-optimal snap-stabilizing PIF in tree networks. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems (published in association with ICDCS99 The 19th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems), pages 78-85, 1999.

A Bui, AK Datta, F Petit, and V Villain. Space optimal PIF algorithm: self-stabilized with no extra space. In IEEE International Conference on Performance, Computing and Communications, pages 20-26, 1999.

K Burket and R Koch. Self-stabilizing multiple-sender/single-receiver protocol. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems, pages 170-184, 1997.

JE Burns, MG Gouda, and RE Miller. Stabilization and pseudo-stabilization. Distributed Computing, 7:35-42, 1993.

JE Burns and J Pachl. Uniform self-stabilizing rings. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 11(2):330-344, 1989.

JE Burns, MG Gouda, and RE Miller. On relaxing interleaving assumptions. In Proceedings of the MCC Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems, MCC Technical Report No. STP-379-89, 1989.

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S Cantarell and F Petit. Self-stabilizing group mutual exclusion for asynchronous rings. In 4th International Conference On Principles Of DIstributed Systems, OPODIS'2000, pages 71-90, 2000.

S Chandrasekar and PK Srimani. A self-stabilizing algorithm to synchronize digital clocks in a distributed system. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 20(6):439-444, 1994.

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