Call for Papers
The SSS symposium is a prestigious international forum for researchers and practitioners in the design and development of fault-tolerant distributed systems with self-* properties, such as self-stabilizing, self-configuring, self-organizing, self-managing, self-repairing, self-healing, self-optimizing, self-adaptive, and self-protecting systems. Research in distributed systems is now at a crucial point in its evolution, marked by the importance of dynamic systems such as cloud networks, social networks, peer-to-peer networks, large-scale wireless sensor networks, mobile ad hoc networks, etc., and many new applications such as grid and web services, banking and e-commerce, e-health and robotics, aerospace and avionics, automotive, industrial process control, etc. have joined the traditional applications of distributed systems.
The conference provides a wide spectrum of topics, covered in the following tracks:
Important Dates
- Abstract Submission:
April 16, 2012April 27, 2012 - Paper Submission:
April 23, 2012April 27, 2012 - Notification: June 6, 2012
Paper Submission
Papers must be submitted in PDF format and be prepared using the LNCS style. Detailed instructions for submitting papers will be available later. Two types of papers can be submitted: Regular Papers and Brief Announcements. Submissions for regular papers should be no longer than 15 pages (including the title, authors, abstract, figures, and references) in LNCS style; a submission may have an appendix of at most two pages beyond the 15 page limit. Brief announcements are restricted to two pages using the LNCS style, with no appendix. Submissions deviating from these guidelines will be rejected without consideration of their merits. If requested by the authors on the submission system, a regular submission that is not selected for a regular presentation will also be considered for a brief announcement. Such a request will not affect consideration of the paper for a regular paper. A paper submitted at this forum is expected to be original research not previously published. A contribution can be submitted to one track only and may not be concurrently submitted to another conference, workshop, or journal.
The proceedings of the conference will be published in the Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. A special journal issue for selected SSS 2012 papers is under negotiation; please see the website for more information.
Best Paper and Best Student Awards
The program committee will select two papers for best paper and best student paper awards. A paper is eligible for the best student paper award if at least one of its authors is a full-time student at the time of submission, and if the student made a major contribution to the paper. This must be indicated by marking an appropriate box in the submission system.