You can reach all hotels and the venue using the following directions:
The Fields Institute is located at 222 College Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The building is three blocks west of the Queen's Park subway station on the Yonge-University subway line. (Within the city, the Toronto Transit Commission provides access through its system of streetcars, subways, and buses. Visit the TTC on-line or call the TTC route information phone line at 416-393-4636 for assistance.)
If you arrive in Toronto by plane, transportation from Pearson International Airport to downtown is available by limousine or by taxi (approximately $34-40 one-way), by bus service to downtown hotels (approximately $14 one-way or $24 round-trip), or by renting a car at the airport. Travel to downtown can take anywhere from 30 minutes to one-and-a-half hours depending upon traffic.
If you arrive in Toronto by inter-city bus, the Toronto Bus Terminal at the intersection of Bay Street and Dundas Street connects underground with the Dundas subway station.
If you arrive in Toronto by train, Union Station connects underground with the Union subway station.
For more information on Toronto, see the Toronto resource page containing an extensive list of Toronto-related links. http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/resources/toronto/
Visa Information
If you need a visa to travel to Canada, please send the following information to Prof. Borzoo Bonakdarpour (borzoo@cs.uwaterloo.ca):
- Full name on passport (e.g., John H. Smith)
- Title (e.g., Dr., Prof., Mr., Ms.)
- Address
- Date of birth (e.g., August 17, 2012)
- Place of birth (e.g., Berlin, Germany)
- Current citizenship
- Current affiliation (e.g., National Institute of Health, USA)
- Title of the paper (if you have a paper in SSS)