Track: Fault Tolerance
Track Chair:
- Rida Bazzi, Arizona State University, USA
- Marcos Aguilera Microsoft, USA
- Lorenzo Alvisi University of Texas, USA
- Jim Aspnes Yale University, USA
- Bernadette Charron-Bost Ecole Polytechnique, France
- Maurice Herlihy Brown University, USA
- Achour Mostefaoui Université de Nantes, France
- Josef Widder Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Reliable and dependable systems
- Replication and availability
- Dynamic distributed systems
- Design and analysis of distributed algorithms
- Complexity and lower bounds
- Message passing network protocols
- Evaluations of dependable distributed systems
- Fault-tolerant systems, robustness, and failure recovery
- Dependability in autonomic computing
- Adaptive and self-managing systems
- Parallel and distributed operating systems
- Distributed objects and middleware systems
- Distributed databases and fault-tolerant transactions
- Shared memory, synchronization, and concurrency
Track Program Committee:
This track of SSS seeks original contributions in the area of fault-tolerance, dependability and reliability of distributed systems.
Topics include, but are not limited to: