Track: Formal Methods
Track Chair:
- Borzoo Bonakdarpour, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Marius Bozga, Verimag/CNRS, France
- Sandeep Kulkarni, Michigan State University, USA
- Insup Lee, University of Pennsylvania, USA
- Martin Leucker, University of Luebeck, Germany
- Sayan Mitra, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
- Doron Peled, Bar Ilan University, Israel
- Scott Smolka, Stony Brook University, USA
- Stavros Tripakis, University of California - Berkeley, USA
- Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya, Osaka University, Japan
- Wang Yi, Uppsala University, Sweden
- Lenore Zuck, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
- Validation and verification of distributed systems
- Dependability analysis
- Models for distributed systems
- Specification and programming languages
- Synthesis techniques
- Tools and case studies
- Runtime verification and monitoring
Track Program Committee:
Validation, verification and reliability assessment are prerequisite for developing highly dependable distributed systems. The Formal Methods track of SSS will focus on formal or mathematical techniques related to these issues.
Topics include, but are not limited to: