Track: Peer-to-Peer, Self-Organizing and Autonomic Systems
Track Chair:
- Fabian Kuhn, U. of Lugano, Switzerland and U. of Freiburg, Germany
- Christian Schindelhauer, U. of Freiburg, Germany
- Ittai Abraham Microsoft Research Silicon Valley, USA
- Antonio Carzaniga University of Lugano, Switzerland
- Pierre Fraigniaud CNRS and University Paris Diderot, France
- Anne-Marie Kermarrec INRIA Rennes, France
- Adrian Kosowski INRIA Bordeaux, France
- Zvi Lotker Ben Gurion University, Israel
- Andrzej Pelc University of Qu�bec, Canada
- Yvonne-Anne Pignolet ABB Research, Switzerland
- Rajmohan Rajaraman Northeastern University, USA
- Jared Saia University of New Mexico, USA
- Alexander Shraer Yahoo Research, USA
- Volker Turau Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
- Fault-tolerance for P2P systems.
- P2P algorithms and theory.
- Overlay architectures and topologies.
- Dynamic overlays and churn.
- Security, trust and reputation in P2P networks.
- Cooperation, incentives, and fairness in P2P networks.
- Performance and scalability of P2P systems.
- Overlay monitoring and management.
- Social and P2P networks.
- Overlay interaction with underlying infrastructure.
Track Program Committee:
Much of the appeal of peer-to-peer systems and overlay networks is due to their fully decentralized designs. The resulting robustness and scalability is attractive for various applications, and the underlying principles have been employed in many contexts beyond file sharing in the Internet today (e.g., in the cloud). However, the highly dynamic membership as well as the potential exposure to malicious attacks requires highly efficient mechanisms for joins/leaves and self-stabilization. The goal of this track is to bring together researchers interested in system dynamics and self-organization in peer-to-peer and overlay networks.
Topics include, but are not limited to: