Mohammed Haddad, Colette Johnen and Sven Köhler. Polynomial Silent Self-Stabilizing p-Star Decomposition(Short Paper)
Joffroy Beauquier, Blanchard Peva, Janna Burman and Oksana Denysiuk. On the power of oracle Omega? for self-stabilizing leader election in population protocols
Alexander Binun, Thierry Coupaye, Shlomi Dolev, Mohammed Kassi Lahlou, Marc Lacoste, Alex Palesandro, Reuven Yagel and Leonid Yankulin. Self-Stabilizing Byzantine-Tolerant Distributed Replicated State Machine
Emmanuel Godard. Snap-Stabilizing Tasks in Anonymous Networks
Lili Su and Nitin Vaidya. Asynchronous Non-Bayesian Learning in the Presence of Crash Failures
Lili Su and Nitin Vaidya. Robust Multi-Agent Optimization: Coping with Byzantine Agents with Input Redundancy
Guy Even, Moti Medina and Boaz Patt-Shamir. On-Line Path Computation and Function Placement in SDNs
Jonas Lefèvre, Robert Gmyr and Christian Scheideler. Self-stabilizing Metric Graphs
Mohammad Roohitavaf and Sandeep Kulkarni. Automatic Addition of Conflicting Properties
Alexandre Dambreville, Joanna Tomasik and Johanne Cohen. Meta-algorithm to choose a good on-line prediction(Short Paper)
Michiko Inoue, Fukuhito Ooshita and Sebastien Tixeuil. An efficient silent self-stabilizing 1-maximal matching algorithm under distributed daemon without global identifiers
Taichi Uehara, Yukiko Yamauchi, Shuji Kijima and Masafumi Yamashita. Plane Formation by Semi-synchronous Robots in the Three Dimensional Euclidean Space
Thibaut Balabonski, Amélie Delga, Lionel Rieg, Sébastien Tixeuil and Xavier Urbain. Synchronous Gathering without Multiplicity Detection: A Certified Algorithm